A {late} dispatch from Maremma and what has turned into our home away from home ~ Il Baciarino, a rustic agriturismo nestled in the hills of Maremma, Tuscany's rugged coastal region. As we are about to embark on the next hop across pond, I realize I never posted these photos from this springtime lunch.
Our hosts and dear friends Clelia and Andrea are the most gracious and generous hosts, but with a bounty of fresh ingredients from our days in the Lucca hills, we thought it would be fun to turn things around and invite our hosts over for lunch at our tiny "casetta" instead.

We were staying at Casetta La Dolce Vita, a restored sheep shelter turned minimalist accommodation with an outdoor kitchen, green patio and endless views of the surrounding hills. And it was a rather cool and gloomy day in Vetulonia, so we prepared a menu of comfort foods
~ primo sale marinated with fresh fennel and olive oil
~ grilled pork tenderloin
~ sautéed peas with mint
~ roasted potatoes with scallions
~ marzipan marbles and espresso
along with a bottle of crisp white from La Maolina in Lucca ...